December 21, 2024 marked the first World Meditation Day as resolved by the United Nations General Assembly. By Sister Jenna, “The season of lights brings
Author: Shannon

In every day real-life, on any multitude of topics and ideas, the moment we judge true vs. false or right vs. wrong or good vs.

“I knew at some point I would have to go back to tell the Christian churches everything I discovered…”~Spring 2018, Day of Ordination as an

@Pontifex Your Holiness, It is my joy and God-graced honor to share with you first and foremost today, my service in Christ in a letter

Saturday, November 7, 2020 (as published in The Gospel of Joy) This morning tumbled into a bit of the sensation I’d experienced on and off

Our Sacred Mission: Learning To Dance with Mother Earth, featuring Ervin Laszlo with Foreword by Deepak Chopra, Introduction by Neale Donald Walsch, and Afterword by

Jesus Christ’s prophecies came true as written in the Holy Bible, in the sign of the Son of Man on Solstice, December 21, 2020, and

The following prose was written December 25, 2022, for Christians—from any and all churches, cathedrals, and denominations—who find themselves in judgment, disbelief, or rejection of

from Pistis Sophia, A Third Book, Chapter 102, G.R.S. Mead, 1921 JESUS continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “When I shall

All verses are direct from the Holy Bible, everyone is welcome to use their preferred versions and translations in cross-reference of God’s Word from the