Everything New in Christ: Jesus of Nazareth IS the “New Age”

“…the old order of things has passed away.”
He who was seated on the throne said,
“I am making everything new!”

Revelation 5:4-5

When did the last “New Age” Begin?” That’s easy! It began in 1 AD/CE per the Gregorian calendar system, which is the most used in the world. But, did you know the Gregorian calendar system originated within the Catholic Church and was named after Pope Gregory XIII who introduced it in 1582 and 1 AD/CE corresponds as Jesus Christ of the Bible’s birthday?

History provides rational for the reform as correcting drift from the spring equinox for consistent and accurate scheduling of Easter. However, the history around the Gregorian calendar is complex, as it was actually a revision of a previously used Roman calendar system, the Julian calendar, which was enacted in 46 BC/BCE by Julius Caesar. And further, the Julian calendar was a reform of the original Roman calendar, which was believed to be an observational lunar calendar: the months beginning from the first sign of a new crescent moon.

Whether Christian or not, Jesus the Son of the Living God from the Holy Bible is literally embedded in our secular history (as well as nonsecular scriptures)—because our Common Era (the New Age which separates us from BCE (Before Common Era) timeline is established according to the year that the Catholic Church designated as his birth.

CONSIDER THIS: Even as we’ve shifted from the nonsecular “AD” to a more secular “Common Era” (CE), when a curious student asks in either public or private schools, “Why did the Common Era start the year that it did?” The answer goes back to Jesus Christ every time.

Herein lies a portion of the mystery and truth about Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God and Christ: with respect to the date and year on most of the world’s calendars, we all agree. So much so that the entire Earth was divided into 24 time zones in 1884 at the International Meridian Conference in Washington, DC, in the United States of America in an international agreement by all participating nations for the establishment of time zones according to the Greenwich Meridian, beginning at Prime Meridian at longitude zero degrees (covering the West and the East).

We, the people, and the authorities, and nations, all around the world, AGREED. Not only did we follow the time in the zone(s) that we live, work, or go to school in, but we agreed to respect the time for our family, friends, colleagues, or travel destinations in other nations wherever they were located.

Because it was deemed as so critically important for the development and prosperity of nations and all people within them, somehow humanity found it within themselves to work out the differences between variations of zones and then honored those differences with decisions, choices, and actions.

This was proof that even in a world of extreme opposition it is entirely possible to have harmony and accord among all people, no matter what nation they are from. Indeed, humanity can agree on at least one thing on Earth!

And, lest we forget, the agreement includes the Gregorian calendar, which celebrates the year Jesus Christ was born… in 1 AD/CE… bringing forth the beginning of a New Age for all of creation and back to the subject at hand because technically speaking, per the Holy Bible, Jesus IS the New Age.

In a nutshell: he fulfilled the Old Law (as written in the “Old” Testament) and brought the New law (as written in the “New” testament). And if that in itself isn’t enough, there’s more… In the New Testament alone, Jesus Christ is associated with:

  • New teaching
  • New wine
  • New tongues
  • New garment
  • New covenant
  • New command
  • New tomb
  • New life
  • New way of Spirit
  • New unleavened batch
  • New creation
  • New humanity
  • New attitude of mind
  • New self
  • New order
  • New birth
  • New name
  • New heaven
  • New earth
  • New Jerusalem
  • New song

Further, 2 Corinthians 5:17 states,”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here,” and last (but not least), in Revelation 4, He [Christ] who was seated on the throne said, “…the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new!

Yes! Christ Jesus is in not just SOME New things, but EVERYTHING (and guess what, EVERYTHING includes the, “Age” too).

See how it all comes full circle?

And as was written from Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 5 during his sermon on the Mount, in the New Age there is a “New” Way: LOVE one another (including your enemies and pray for those who persecute you).

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